My contribution for Blue Monday is my cloche all decked out for Christmas.I just love my cloche, they are so versatile and help add some cheer to my kitchen .
Blue Monday is hosted by Sally at Smiling Sally.To view more pretty blues click on the blue bird to your right in my sidebar and it will take you to them. Hope you have a great Blue Monday !
Very pretty blue post, Teresa! I love the blue balls in your cloche. A cloche is really quite the object to have because you can go from season to season with it... shells in summer Christmas balls in it now. It's such a fun thing to have, and your blue ornies in there prove that perfectly.
Thanks for sharing, and Happy Blue Monday!
Sheila :-)
There is something so pretty in the simplicity of glass ornaments encased in a glass cloche/jar of sorts. I've done the same thing and I love the look :0)
Enjoy your blue Monday!
Such a deep, vibrant, glowing blue! Looking so magical clustered in that glass jar!
Very pretty. I love that cobalt blue color. :)
This really makes a great statement! Happy Blue Monday!
ahhh, this is just beautiful...
Happy Blue Monday
I love the way light reflects on the blues and makes each unique. The cloche in itself is very pretty but with the ornaments it is beautiful. Happy Blue Monday.
How nice is that! Your doily even has a blue edge. I STILL don't have a cloche; I have shopped for them, but the prices are over $25! Happy Blue Day!
Beautiful blueness, Theresa! Have a lovely day!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Very pretty! I bet this looks great in your kitchen. I love the balls in jars like that.
Now THAT was a cool idea! I have taken a photo of a really neat table I have. I will be posting it soon on my blog for you to see. I really want you to see it, of course everyone else can too, but I do want you to see it.
Hope you don't mind, but I am copying your idea of the cloche and balls. Looks great. Have a good week.
Lovely, Theresa, just lovely!!! Right down to the doily edged in blue!!
Soo pretty! I want to get a cloche. You have inspired me :>) Happy Blue Monday
Your blog is beautiful. I love the blue.
I found you through Deena's blog. I plan to be a breast cancer survivor. Tomorrow I have a lumpectomy and will follow up with radiation.
Going to look at the rest of your blog now.
Katie paxton
Ozarks of Missouri
Hi Theresa,
How are you doing?
We are on the same wavelength- I have ornaments in mine too.
Great minds think alike-hehe.
Have a blessed week.
many hugs,
Theresa, your cloche is just beautiful with the blue Christmas balls in it. I really like that look!
take care,
I love your cloche too! They to add cheer to a room when they have colorful things in them like your beautiful blue balls. I have a lot of doilies but none with a blue edge. How pretty!
Here is a lovely Christmas prose...
"The Unexpected Gift"
I hope it helps you treasure your family this season...
(it is my latest work)
Thank you and many blessings...I really am happy to have found your blog :) Your slide show is lovely and the music is great!
Ohhhh that is so pretty girl! How are you sweetie? I hope you had a glorious Thanksgiving...ours was wonderful, all things considered..this is a new month though and I hope it is a great one for you sweetie!
So bluetiful!!! I love it..♥mary♥
Hi Theresa
I love the blue balls in the jar..glad you came by.. I ordered acouple Cayce books today (:) interesing stuff..
hugs, Patty
Theresa, you did get entered. I am sorry I didn't get to you yesterday. Your cloche is so pretty with the blue ornaments. Remember to visit each day for the give-a-way. Pat won yesterday but there is 5 more days to win. Have a wonderful day.
Theresa, this looks just beautiful - so colorful and elegant. And, the doily is a perfect place for it.
Theresa, I have to hand it to you...You know how to decorated those jars!!!!! I can put cookies in them and that's about it...LOL I love your blue as always! nancy
A cloche..never heard of it! But my oh my! You do know how to dress one up for the Holiday! It's sparkles with all that blue inside!
(is your kitchen done in blues?)
~Hugs Theresa~
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